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Resistive Linear Potentiometers

This position sensor is used to measure position of sliding or moving parts in a linear direction. These sensors can measure up to 1250 mm in length and come in a variation of types. Based on a cursor sliding along a resistive strip, the LT, PC and PK series are the most cost efficient. MK4A are contactless transducers using magnetostriction. Contactless transducers have the advantages of being wear and tear free, having a virtually unlimited lifetime, high immunity to dust, dirt and moisture and resistance to vibration or mechanical shock.

Application feature:

  • Measuring Stroke: 30 – 1250 mm
About Us

Karma Instrumentation & Control is a specialist supplier of process control and automation equipment and SI systems, as well as a manufacturer and designer of process and electrical control panels.

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• Address: Block A, Unit 3D, Wild Fig Business Park, 1494 Cranberry Street, Honeydew, 2170

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• Call us: 011 794 2859

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